Spend time with customers

Published 2 months ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader,

If you want to have a great product, you need to do two things:

  1. Use your own product
  2. Spend time with customers

When’s the last time you signed up for your own software? Or purchased your own product?

What is the onboarding process like? What is the purchase experience like? What does it feel like to actually use the product?

If you don’t ever use your own product, you will quickly become removed from the actual experience people have.

Part of the reason I write a newsletter is because I have ideas I want to share. But another reason is so I can regularly use ConvertKit myself. I know what it feels like to use the software, and I can personally experience points of friction.

But using the product myself isn’t enough.

I also make a point to regularly speak with customers. This is something a lot of people shy away from, because it’s uncomfortable.

It feels nice when you go to an event and you hear someone say they use your product. But instead of saying, “That’s amazing! I’m so glad you like it.” Ask them how you can improve.

This is something I remember learning from Ryan Delk years ago. He’d meet people who said they used his product, and he’d say, “That’s amazing,” but then immediately follow with: “What could we do better?”

It’s such a simple question, but a scary one. Most people would rather ask what someone loves about their product because it feels good, and it’s less painful.

“What can we do better?” virtually guarantees you’re going to get an answer that points out a weakness. It can be a blow to your ego to hear someone describe what they see as shortcomings.

But that’s what makes this feedback so valuable. You’re never going to improve if you don’t get feedback from customers—and most of the time, they won’t give you pointed feedback until you give them permission to share.

Instead of basking in people being a fan, ask them what you can do better.


How to use AI to write on-brand content that sounds like you

You’ve heard AI can help you save time writing copy, but every time you’ve tried to use it, what’s generated sounds like it was written by a robot.

It’s not that it’s impossible to get good AI generated content that actually works for you. It’s that you’re missing the right prompts.

When you include your own unique Creator Brand Data points in your prompts, you’ll be able to generate copy that’s much more engaging and requires fewer tweaks. Say goodbye to bland, generic content, and say hello to an authentic voice that resonates with your followers!

Get the free guide »

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Building a Creator Business That Lasts (with Jackie Aina)

At ROI: The Millionaire Summit, Rachel and I were joined by Jackie Aina, co-founder of FORVR MOOD. Jackie is one of the most influential voices in beauty today, and in this episode of Billion Dollar Creator, she shares real, raw, and unfiltered truth about rising from the ground up.

You’ll get invaluable insights on creating longevity in your creator business, recognizing red flags in partnerships, and the importance of having a clear mission.

Watch or listen to episode »


Email editor: New sections

We've got some exciting updates to the ConvertKit email editor.

For all Starting Point templates, we’ve rolled out the ability to add new sections to your Broadcasts and Sequences in your email editor. This will make it even easier and smoother for you to build out your email as you’re writing it. For any sections, you’ll be able to:

  • Add new sections
  • Duplicate sections
  • Reorder sections
  • Delete sections

You can even use Command/CTRL+Z to undo. This allows you to bring back deleted sections if you need to.

Learn more »


Means of Ascent

This book goes beyond simply covering the early political career of Lyndon B. Johnson and takes you behind the scenes of the dark sides of politics and the inner workings of campaigns.

But it’s not just about Johnson’s personal journey. It also offers insights into American politics during the mid-20th century. If you’re into biographies, or just compelling stories, this one has no shortage of interesting power struggles, backroom deals, and moral dilemmas.

View book »

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