
Nathan Barry

Why I keep creating

Published 9 months ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader,

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.”

I enjoy the journey, but it’s also fun to reach the top of a mountain.

Of course, if you enjoy summiting mountains, you don’t just climb one (and the same goes for financial achievements): “That was fun. Let’s go climb another!”

Part of why I create, and write, and tell stories is because it’s fun.

But also, there are things in the world I know to be true from observation but are hard to distill down. I enjoy the challenge of explaining complex concepts in a way that makes sense to people like with my essays Ladders of Wealth Creation and Creator Flywheels.

I like sitting with ideas I don’t yet fully understand and asking: Why does this function that way? I often don’t fully grasp the physics of something until I attempt to explain it.

Teaching helps me understand the world.

I also like making money. And it just so happens, teaching and creating are remarkably great ways to make money. If I enjoy doing it, and I can make money from it, then it’s a win-win. That’s also something I want to help more people experience themselves.

There’s this unspoken idea many have that jobs that make more money must be less enjoyable. But there is no direct correlation between how much a job sucks and how much money it makes.

You can create things you enjoy and make money doing it.

It’s fun to watch someone with a high level of skill work in their craft. It’s also fun to do things you’re skilled at. Something I’ve talked about many times before is making money is a skill, and when you develop the skill of making money, it’s fun to create simply because you’re good at it. You enjoy the process.

Those are some of the many reasons why I keep creating.

What are yours?


Improvements to ConvertKit's WordPress plugin

We've made big improvements to the ConvertKit plugin on WordPress! All these updates have been made to make it easier for you to set up your website and have your go-to tools complement each other to make your business to run more smoothly.

Here are the updates to look out for:

  • Gated content: Using WordPress' Member Content functionality, you can set up gated content for premium members who have purchased a ConvertKit Commerce product. This way you can set up courses, e-books, curated content, and more without another platform, and without your members leaving your site.
  • Newsletter feed: Want to showcase all of your newsletters on your site? You can now embed a paginated list of your public broadcasts emails on your Wordpress site. They can displayed in a list with subject and date, or in a grid with image and descriptions. They will all be linked to the public post that is hosted on ConvertKit.
  • Product embeds: Create your storefront on your WordPress site, by adding quick embeds of your ConvertKit products. You'll be able to edit all the styles directly inside WordPress.
  • Pop-up modal: You can now add a button, which is a "Form Trigger Block," so that a modal, slide-in, stick bar ConvertKit form pops up when someone clicks on the button.
  • WooCommerce plugin: We also updated the ConvertKit and WooCommerce Plugin to map customer first and last names to ConvertKit custom fields.
  • PHP SDK: For any PHP developers, we've released the PHP SDK to easily interact with the ConvertKit API.

Get the ConvertKit WordPress plugin »


In command

Do you want to be “in command” or “in control”?

Jason Cohen makes a case in this blog post for why being “in control” is not only impossible but perhaps not even desirable.

Being “in command”, he says, is ideal: honest, introspective, agile, aware, and proactive.

Being “in command” doesn’t mean you’re “in control” of everyone and everything. It means you’re proactively seeking the truth, working rationally, and communicating.
This is how you create autonomy, coupled with accountability, with realistic expectations.

Read blog post »


French Women Football Ad

This is a fascinating ad. To promote women’s football, the advertising company used CGI to make it appear as if all of the athletes were men.

Only after showing some impressive plays do they repeat the footage without CGI and reveal you were watching women play the whole time.

Watch video »

Have a great week!


Nathan Barry

I'm a designer who turned into a writer who turned into a startup CEO. My mission is to help creators earn a living. Subscribe for essays on building an audience and earning a living as a creator.

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