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Nathan Barry

Physical reminders in your workspace

Hi Reader,

If you’re trying to accomplish anything meaningful, it’s probably going to take time.

During this time you’re showing up consistently, how do you stay centered and keep your focus on what matters to you?

You can try remembering those important messages, or you can put physical reminders in places where you’re sure to see them on a regular basis. This could be:

  • Sticky notes on the bathroom mirror
  • Artwork on the walls
  • Your phone background

Having physical reminders like this in places you’ll see many times throughout the day will help keep you grounded.

The other week, I wrote about the importance of regularly communicating your mission, values, and strategy. At our team retreat, I wanted to hand out some custom plaques I made in my shop to help remind the team why we do what we do.

I packed a suitcase full of these plaques only to have it torn apart by customs when entering Mexico! The guy seemed convinced I was smuggling something inside the wooden plaques. It probably didn’t help that I’d just finished them the night before and they smelled like varnish.

Fortunately, they made it through just fine, and I was able to hand them out to the team. Now each team member has something to keep in their space as a physical reminder of why we do what we do.

What are the messages you want to remind yourself of each day?

Whether it’s artwork you purchase, or something you make yourself, consider putting physical reminders in places you’ll see every day.


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Finding creativity and purpose

Glo Atanmo survived death threats, burnout, her income stream being cut in half, and is still on track to earn 7 figures. How?

ConvertKit produces a documentary series about remarkable people earning a living doing work they love called I Am A Creator.

You can watch Glo's story here:

Watch video »


Book: A Gentleman in Moscow

This novel, set in the 1920s, is about an aristocrat who gets put on house arrest in a hotel in Moscow while some of the most tumultuous decades in Russian history unfold outside the hotel’s doors.

It’s full of well-developed characters, adventures, and beautifully rendered scenes. Definitely worth reading.

Check out the book »

Hope you have an awesome week!


Nathan Barry

I'm a designer who turned into a writer who turned into a startup CEO. My mission is to help creators earn a living. Subscribe for essays on building an audience and earning a living as a creator.

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