
Nathan Barry

Overworking but underwhelmed with results

Published 7 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader,

Thanks again for enrolling in the Creator Flywheels Pilot Program earlier this year!

This week’s newsletter is going out to many people who haven’t subscribed to the separate Creator Flywheels list like you have. So this might be somewhat repeat content for you.

But I just want to acknowledge you up front and say thanks for enrolling. I’m looking forward to sharing the full course with you soon!


Do you ever feel like you have to put in a lot of effort with your business just to get by? Then tomorrow, you have to wake up and do it all over again just to not fall behind.

Whenever you give yourself the rare break from work, you stop growing. And when you put in the overtime (which you often do), it hardly seems to move the needle.

Your content is good (people tell you as much), you have quality products (the testimonials to prove it), and you’re at least somewhat consistent with social media (though you know posting every day isn’t a strategy on its own).

So what’s missing?

When you have your systems set up the right way, everything runs smoothly without hiccups. You’re not interrupted constantly. Things don’t stop working when you take time off.

You grow faster over time.

You work less hard over time.

You make more money over time.

If things aren’t getting easier, and you’re not producing more results and growing faster than you were before, it’s time to take a look at your systems.

That’s where flywheels come in.

You’re tired of the hamster wheel and heading toward burnout

As a business owner, you should be focused on growth. If your business stops working when you do, you don’t have a business, you have a job.

Flywheels are magic. They help give you leverage so you can create many copies of yourself.

The first goal with flywheels is to free yourself up.

Your systems need to be set up so that things run smoothly all of the time—and without you constantly getting involved. You can’t keep getting bogged down with the little things in your business.

Flywheels will help you reach a place where you can focus on revenue instead of busywork.

How have things been going for you since you went through the Pilot Program? Have you run into any challenges? Hit reply and let me know or jump into our Slack channel!


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In this week's episode of Billion Dollar Creator, Christina and Amon Browning share their investment strategy for achieving time and financial freedom by the age of 40 and the reality of building and selling a business. Plus, we show you why retiring young is more doable than you probably believe.

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We touch on flywheels, the ladders of wealth creation, why I choose to share real numbers, and more.

Watch episode »

Have a great week!


Nathan Barry

I'm a designer who turned into a writer who turned into a startup CEO. My mission is to help creators earn a living. Subscribe for essays on building an audience and earning a living as a creator.

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