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Nathan Barry

2022 Review: A year of growth and managing stress

Hey Reader,

2022 was a good year, but a busy year. Far too busy. I found myself overly involved in the details of the business and handling many responsibilities I needed to delegate. All of that took a toll on me.

We had some key executives leave (more on that below), and it left me in charge of doing too many different jobs. A lot of energy went into hiring the right new people for these leadership roles. It was time-consuming work, but necessary to make 2023 look a lot more calm in comparison.


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Enter the Blogging Millionaire podcast with Brandon Gaille. Brandon gets more than 5 million monthly visitors from over 100,000 first-page Google rankings. So yeah, he knows what he's talking about.

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Read my 2022 annual review

When most companies were struggling to raise funding and laying off their team (the tech industry laid off over 150,000 employees this year), we were able to continue our steady hiring and keep serving creators.

Healthy growth, increased profits, and new revenue streams put us in a really solid position with the market downturn.

Click below to read my annual review:

Read my 2022 annual review here »

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See you next week!


Nathan Barry

I'm a designer who turned into a writer who turned into a startup CEO. My mission is to help creators earn a living. Subscribe for essays on building an audience and earning a living as a creator.

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